Клиент из Армении посетил завод компании livi - livi chicken cages

Клиент из Армении посетил завод компании livi

This Monday, our client from Armenia came to China and visited the factory , which is located in Jumadian city, Henan province.

Ask for a price

Early in the morning we met him at the airport and drove to our factory together. There he asked a lot about the cages for laying hens, and our experts carefully answered all his questions. After visiting the factory, we took the client to our poultry farm , which has 600,000 laying hens. He became interested in not only laying hens cages, but also auxiliary equipment for poultry farming , including an automatic egg collection system, a feeding system , etc.

Ask for a price

He wanted to buy cage equipment for laying hens from China and he has a mini poultry farm in Armenia. He plans to build two more buildings, each containing 10,000 birds. After lunch, we gave him the best offer for keeping layers according to his poultry house and offered good prices, he is very pleased and immediately signed a contract with us. He said that he was very interested in Chinese nature and history, he wanted to travel around China, and we advised him to visit the Shaolin monastery the next day, because it is not far from our factory, about 3 hours drive.

Ask for a price

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